Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Week 7 - Let's 'Due Resiliency Together

Our aim is not to overwhelm you or your students during an already overwhelming time, so please know these resources and activities are not "have-to's.” Pick and choose any or all of these activities as ways to support the overall social and emotional growth of your child(ren).


Do you know that yoga offers so many benefits to your health? Yoga can reduce your stress level, improve your sleep quality, and reminds you of the power of your breathing!

Here’s an example from the book Alphabreaths. Dolphin Breath- Breathe in as you lift your arms up high. Breathe out as you imagine diving into the ocean.

Can you come up with your own breathing technique?

What are you looking forward to when the stay-at-home order is lifted? 

Things we are missing now can become what we are looking forward to in the future! Hope in the future helps us feel better! Changing missing to looking forward is an example of cognitive reframing.  You can see Ms. Carey talk about this here and use it to make a Joy Jar. Make your very own Joy Jar to hold the things you are looking forward to.

What will be in your Joy Jar?


Does staying at home so much have you missing social events? What are some creative ways that you are staying connected, even at a distance? 

Here is one creative way that Ms. Carey is still socializing with “friends.” 

Want to share your creative ways of being social?  Put it on your favorite social media platform using the hashtag #social(ish) and tag @LadueSchools. 

Provided by your Ladue Elementary School Counselors & Social Emotional Behavioral Team