Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Week 1 Let's "Due Resiliency Together

Our aim is not to overwhelm you or your students during an already overwhelming time, so please know these resources and activities are not "have-to's.” Pick and choose any or all of these activities as ways to support the overall social and emotional growth of your child(ren).


Kids need 10-11 hours of sleep.  Going to bed at the same time every night and waking up at the same time every day
can help our students reach this goal.  

Track when you go to sleep and wake up by writing the time down or drawing it on a piece of paper.   

Bedtime: 8pm 
Wake up time: 7:30am 
Total hours of sleep: 11.5 hours


Draw or write what is in your control and out of your control.

I cannot control - A thunderstorm 
I can control - Telling someone how I am feeling, going to a safe place in my house, distracting myself with a game 


Playful Connections--Play a card or board game with your family.

No game available? Make your own charades! Write some actions on pieces of paper and put them in a hat or bag. Take turns picking one to act out without talking and see who can guess it.

Provided by your Ladue Elementary School Counselors & Social Emotional Behavioral Team

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Extension Activities

The following activities can be for anyone whether you are currently participating in a small group or not.

Building Resiliency
Review: Have your child tell you what resiliency is? What it means to be healthy?

Practice Problem Solving by using this strategy the students learned through their Second Step lessons.

Check In/Check Out
How are you feeling on a scale 1-5? One represents not feeling well at all, three feeling okay,  and a five represents feeling great.  It is okay to be anywhere on the scale.  Have your child describe why they picked the number they picked and/or ask what would it take to move from a two to a three.

Specific Daily Activities 

Set an intention for the day.  
The students would pick intention cards for the day.  You can look at this post to see the types of intentions they would pick from and help them create their own intention. 

Coping Cats 
Check out these short videos about worry from Counselor Keri called Worry Warriors.  We use many of her materials in our program.  She is a great resource! You can watch them all at once, one a day, or one a week.

Eagle Energizers Go Noodle is a resource many of our teachers use to provide movement breaks throughout the day.  They have a section for you to access and use at home to move and learn with your kids.

Friendship & Social Skills


Zones of Regulation 

Here is a link to a list of books that can be used to help explore each of the zones. You may be able to find these books on Raz-Kids, Epic, or the St. Louis County Library site.

These statements/questions can help reinforce the Zones work we have been doing at school.

  • What size was the problem? Small? Medium? Large? 
  • Did your reaction match the size of the problem? 
  • Was that an expected or unexpected behavior? 
  • Did that make the other person comfortable or uncomfortable? 
  • Was that a strong or weak choice? 
  • If a child does something wrong, ask them to redo it. 

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Character Tree

The Character Tree is an education video subscription series that includes 32 charactereducation videos, 32 sets of supplemental resources, and 32 teacher's guides.  Every episode, hosted by a real 1st-grade teacher, discusses an importance positive character trait exemplified by prominent figures Mister Fred Rogers and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.  Their short 6-8 minute long educational videos and supplemental resources are the perfect activity for your children while they're home from school. 

Kindness Episodes

Curiosity Episodes

Integrity Episodes

Teamwork Episodes

Empathy Episodes

Citizenship Episodes

Perseverance Episodes

Bravery Episodes