Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Tourette Syndrome Presentation

Lynn Dunlap, from the Tourette Association of American, Missouri Chapter presented to our staff about Understanding Tourette Syndrome And Its Effects on Learning.

We had two different presentations one in the afternoon and one in the morning. 

Haim Ginotts statement was a great way to start the in-service. 

We ordered this book to help us further understand how to help our students. 

Saturday, March 2, 2019

OB Community Weekly Resource Tip

Together we can learn from each other by sharing our tips and resources. Please consider sharing a tip or resource that has helped you be a better person, caregiver, and/or partner. We will feature the tip(s) and/or resource(s) in our weekly OB News. If you don't want your name mentioned in the newsletter you don't have to complete the name portion of the survey. Click here to submit your tip.  

I get up extra early each morning to run. I learned soon after we had our first of four daughters that I needed to take care of myself FIRST before I could take care of others. I never allow myself to feel guilty for leaving the girls for an hour+ in those wee hours ~ I know that I am a better and a happier mom/spouse/human when I take the time to take care of myself each and every day. 

Heather Huewe, OB Parent