Thursday, February 28, 2019

Safe Playce

Mrs. Hunt's first grade class saw a problem happening at recess and came up with a solution. The problem being sometimes students don't have anyone to play with and don't know what to do at recess. We have the Friendship Bench but often times students would sit their and no one would come ask them to play. During a class meeting, the class came up with the idea of Safe Playce.

What is Safe Playce?
Safe Playce provides an alternative activity and a place for students to play with someone at recess.

How does it work?
A few student volunteers from Mrs. Hunt's first grade class pick up the Safe Playce sign and tote with activity on their way out to recess from lunch. They set it up, look for people who might want to join them, clean it up, and bring it back. An adult recess supervisor is stationed at Safe Playce to help with troubleshooting. Activities vary each day and include playing with legos, play dough, drawing, jump roping, and more.