Monday, October 10, 2016

Begin with the End in Mind

Fourth Grade - Ball Toss
Fourth grade students were broken up into four groups and played three rounds of ball toss. The team earned 1 point if their ball touched the bucket, 3 points if the ball bounced in and out, 5 points if it stayed in the bucket.

Round 1 - The bucket was placed a couple of feet in front of each group.  Each team member tossed the ball into the bucket.  After Round 1 Student Responses: This round was easy!

Round 2 - The bucket stayed in its place but the team members had to toss the ball into the bucket looking the opposite direction. After Round 2 Student Responses: This round was more challenging. We didn't know where we were tossing the ball. How does this relate to having a plan and setting goals? It is hard to get someplace if you can't see where you are going.

Round 3 - The bucket was moved five feet away from the team.  A member from each team could hold the bucket and help catch the tossed ball. After Round 3 Student Response: It was hard but easier because we had help. How does this relate to plans or goals?  We need to let people know about our goals so they can help us reach them.


After playing ball toss, we read Julia Cook's book What shoes will you wear?  Then we analyzed some of the careers listed in the book by categorizing the career into a career path. Then we listed activities people do in this career and explored if there is anything the students are currently doing that will prepare them for that particular career.


Third Grade - Career Hush
Third grade students played Career Hush.  Students were broken up into groups and given a career card to demonstrate to their classmates without using words.  After playing Career Hush, we read the book When I grow up? by Al Yankovic.  Then we analyzed some of the careers listed in the book by categorizing the career into a career path. Then we listed activities people do in this career and explored if there is anything the students are currently doing that will prepare them for that particular career.


Second Grade - What are you an expert at? 
Students started the lesson walking around the room discovering who was an expert in different areas. Then we read Career Day by Anna Rockwell and categorized the careers into career paths. 


First Grade - Earn, Spend, Save, & Give
We read the story Goob and the Bug Collecting Kit from the book The 7 Habits of Happy Kids by Sean Covey.  Then like Goob the students made a plan to earn, spend, save, and give money.  They also made spend, save, and give envelopes to take home and use to put the money they earn. 


Kindergarten - When I Grow Up? 
We read the story When I Grow Up by Sean Covey. While reading the story we  discussed what they would get to do when they grow up (drive a car, wear make up, cook food, work, etc) and what they have to do to get there (go to school, do chores, sleep, etc.) Then the students did an activity to drawing pictures of their favorite and least favorite things about school and home.