Friday, November 11, 2016

Happy Veterans Day!

A big thank you to those who served or are currently serving in the military. We appreciate you giving your time to keep us safe.  Click here to see our students loved ones who served or are currently serving.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

How to Raise An Adult Book Study

Would you agree that this parenting gig is hard?  Would you like to join a book club to hear what an expert has to say and talk with other parents? Well, if there is enough interest, OB plans to organize a book club on the National Best Selling book How to Raise an Adult by Julie Lythcott-Haims.  Read this New York Times Article about the book to gain insight on what the book is about.  If you are interested, RSVP by emailing our school counselor, Hayley Arnold at We will determine meeting times by surveying the group who has shown interest to see what works best for the majority.

You can follow Julie on Twitter @DeanJulie and learn more about her work by visiting 

Friday, November 4, 2016

Veteran's Day

Next Friday, November 11 is Veteran's Day and Passport Night.  During the day, everyone is encouraged to wear clothes that represent their culture. 

Last year, we started a Veteran's Day slide show.  Click here to revise your Veteran's Day Slide Show submission from last year or add a new slide.  If you can not figure out how to add or revise the slide show, email a photo of yourself or a loved one who served in the military, their name, who they are related to and how to We will be printing off the slides this year and displaying them in the hallway.  

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Work First Then Play

During Care Time last week, our students learned about prioritizing by using the concept of working first then playing.  We discussed how you feel when you procrastinate and if those feelings help you be the best version of yourself or not. Of course, they do not.  In contrast, we also discussed how putting your work first then playing makes you feel.  The students all agreed it is much easier to be the best version of yourself when you feel proud, happy, and calm.

The habit of working first then playing is important to instill in our children now.  By doing so, it helps our kids accept more responsibility and become more independent. After all, our goal as parents is to raise independent children who don't grow up to live in our basement. Here are a few articles reinforcing this concept Family Talk: Work First Then Play and The Art of Making and Not Making Plans.  You might also be interested in checking out the Eisenhower Box.  The Eisenhower box is a tool I used with fourth graders during their lesson to identify the best way to use their time.

Third grade students reviewing and discussing putting first things first examples. 

First grade students sorting and discussing examples of important things to do and things you want to do. 

A first grade student identifying her big rocks (work) and little rocks (things she enjoys doing).

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

OB Drug Busters, We "Ain't" Afraid to Say No!

Red Ribbon Week starts Monday, October 24.  During this week, we celebrate the strong choices our students make to be successful while learning about the obstacles that can get in our way.  Click here to learn about the history of Red Ribbon Week and check out this article on How to Talk to Your Child About Drugs and Alcohol.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Monday, October 24
Follow Your Dreams! Say NO to Drugs!
(Student Pick)

Everyone is encouraged to wear their pajamas, robe, and slippers to school. Don’t forget tennis shoes for PE.

Character Council members will be passing out Red Ribbon Week stickers for students to wear.

Tuesday, October 25
OB Eagles Team Up Against Drugs!
(Student Pick)

Everyone is encouraged to wear their favorite sports gear and/or jersey.

Students will have the opportunity to play Healthy Choice Relay during lunch.

WednesdaY, October 26
OB Eagles Elect to be Drug Free!

Everyone is encouraged to dress in USA colors and patterns.

Students will be exercising their right to vote in the library today!

ThursdaY, October 27
OB Eagles Choose to Be Drug Free!

Everyone is encouraged to wear OB Spirit clothes or colors.

Obi, our mascot, will be greeting students today!

Friday, October 28

NO SCHOOL - Conference Compensation Day

MondaY, October 31
OB Eagles Slam a Book on Drugs!

Everyone is encouraged to dress up like their favorite book character.

Students will be meeting with their families today and having fall parties.

Monday, October 10, 2016

Begin with the End in Mind

Fourth Grade - Ball Toss
Fourth grade students were broken up into four groups and played three rounds of ball toss. The team earned 1 point if their ball touched the bucket, 3 points if the ball bounced in and out, 5 points if it stayed in the bucket.

Round 1 - The bucket was placed a couple of feet in front of each group.  Each team member tossed the ball into the bucket.  After Round 1 Student Responses: This round was easy!

Round 2 - The bucket stayed in its place but the team members had to toss the ball into the bucket looking the opposite direction. After Round 2 Student Responses: This round was more challenging. We didn't know where we were tossing the ball. How does this relate to having a plan and setting goals? It is hard to get someplace if you can't see where you are going.

Round 3 - The bucket was moved five feet away from the team.  A member from each team could hold the bucket and help catch the tossed ball. After Round 3 Student Response: It was hard but easier because we had help. How does this relate to plans or goals?  We need to let people know about our goals so they can help us reach them.


After playing ball toss, we read Julia Cook's book What shoes will you wear?  Then we analyzed some of the careers listed in the book by categorizing the career into a career path. Then we listed activities people do in this career and explored if there is anything the students are currently doing that will prepare them for that particular career.


Third Grade - Career Hush
Third grade students played Career Hush.  Students were broken up into groups and given a career card to demonstrate to their classmates without using words.  After playing Career Hush, we read the book When I grow up? by Al Yankovic.  Then we analyzed some of the careers listed in the book by categorizing the career into a career path. Then we listed activities people do in this career and explored if there is anything the students are currently doing that will prepare them for that particular career.


Second Grade - What are you an expert at? 
Students started the lesson walking around the room discovering who was an expert in different areas. Then we read Career Day by Anna Rockwell and categorized the careers into career paths. 


First Grade - Earn, Spend, Save, & Give
We read the story Goob and the Bug Collecting Kit from the book The 7 Habits of Happy Kids by Sean Covey.  Then like Goob the students made a plan to earn, spend, save, and give money.  They also made spend, save, and give envelopes to take home and use to put the money they earn. 


Kindergarten - When I Grow Up? 
We read the story When I Grow Up by Sean Covey. While reading the story we  discussed what they would get to do when they grow up (drive a car, wear make up, cook food, work, etc) and what they have to do to get there (go to school, do chores, sleep, etc.) Then the students did an activity to drawing pictures of their favorite and least favorite things about school and home. 


Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Wear College T-Shirts Monday, October 3

Throughout the year we will have days everyone is encouraged to wear college T-shirts or colors of their favorite college.  This year we are picking days that are meaningful in the college world. Please, have your child wear a college T-shirt or colors on Monday, October 3 to celebrate the changes to the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid).

Visit HOMEROOM to learn about the changes. This is also a great time to talk to your child about paying for college.  Are you paying for their college? Are they expected to earn scholarships? Start the discussion so there are no surprises later. If you have any questions contact Hayley Arnold, school counselor.

Monday, September 26, 2016

Proactive Parenting

Four Steps to Proactive Parenting
Our children are constantly watching and listening to what we say and do.  Author Brene’ Brown says, “Are you being the adult you want your child to grow up and be?” Below you will find four steps you can take to help your child grow up and be the adult you want him or her to be.  

Step One - Reflect
Take time to reflect and ask yourself these questions.    
  • Am I using the tone of voice, words, and body language I want my child to use?
  • Am I responding to unexpected situations like I want my child to respond?
  • Am I doing things for my child that he or she can do for themselves?
  • Am I celebrating my child’s effort or looking for perfection?
  • Am I letting my child fail?
  • Am I spending my time outside of work like I want my child to grow up and spend their time?

Step Two - Select
Select something you want to improve and be intentional about improving that area of your life.  In the book, Burn Your Goals, the authors Joshua Medcalf and Jamie Gilbert say we only have 86,400 seconds in a day and our outcomes will change when we change what we are doing on a daily basis. We all want to raise independent and successful children. What can you change in your daily life to get this desired outcome?

Step Three - Act
Make an action plan and stick to the plan. For example, I am going to stop cussing in front of the kids. I will stop bringing my child’s lunch to school when they forget it. I will start taking deep breaths when an unexpected situation happens. I will quit complaining about work. Once you have established your plan, spend a little time each day thinking about if you did what you said you were going to do.  Continually ask yourself, Am I being intentional?

Step Four - Repeat
Once you feel like you have mastered your plan. Start the process over again.

Reflect, Select, Act, and Repeat four steps to being a proactive parent! Our kids are growing up fast and we want them to have it all.  All they really want is YOU!  Remember you are enough and have much to offer your child.

If you are looking for more information on parenting, Julie Lythcott-Haims a former Stanford Dean wrote How to Raise An Adult. It is a great resource for parents of all ages.  Providing a back to basics blueprint of what you can or should stop doing to help your child be successful.

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Safe Touch Discussion Questions

This week Old Bonhomme students participated in a Safe Touch class presented by Jewish Family & Children Services,   unless parents asked for them to not participate in the class. Below are some questions parents might want to review with their child at home.   All answers are taken from the American Academy of Pediatrics website information on Child Sexual Abuse. 

1.      Which parts of the body are considered private, and what are they called?
a.       The parts of the body that are private are the vagina, penis and bottom.  It’s important for kids to know the anatomically correct terms for their private parts. In early childhood, parents can teach their children the name of the genitals, just as they teach their child names of other body parts. This teaches that the genitals, while private, are not so private that you can’t talk about them.

2.      What are the reasons that an adult might have to look at or touch the private parts of your body? 
a.       The only reason that an adult would have to look at or touch the private parts of your body is to keep you healthy or keep you clean.  For example, a doctor might have to look at or touch a child’s private parts during a checkup.  A parent might help a child get dressed or take a bath, which helps keep them clean.  But, that person should NEVER ask the child to keep it a secret.

3.      Do we keep secrets from our parents?
a.       Teach children early and often that there are no secrets between children and their parents, and that they should feel comfortable talking with their parent about anything -- good or bad, fun or sad, easy or difficult.  Surprises, like gifts, parties, etc. are different, because they are secrets that someone will eventually find out.  Abusers rely on secrecy in order to get away with abuse.  Without secrecy they are not able to abuse.

4.        What do we do if someone does touch our private parts in a not okay way?
a.       Follow the body safety plan: Say no, run away and tell a trusted adult!  Some examples of trusted adults are parents, grandparents, aunts & uncles, teachers, counselors and principals. 

If your child discloses any history of sexual abuse, listen carefully, and take his or her disclosure seriously. Too often, children are not believed, particularly if they implicate a family member as the perpetrator. Contact your pediatrician, the local child protection service agency, or the police. If you don’t intervene, the abuse might continue, and the child may come to believe that home is not safe and that you are not available to help. Most offenders are known to the child; they may be family members, relatives, friends, teachers, coaches, babysitters, and others in positions of authority.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Be Proactive

During CARE (Communicating About Real Experiences) lessons, students learned we each have choices about how to respond to a situation and we are in charge of our own thoughts, feelings, and actions.

Kindergartners learned the difference between water bottle responses and soda can reactions. We also discussed different ways to solve friendship problems.


First grade learned about clay and rock problems.  Clay problems you can fix and rock problems you learn to cope with. 

Second grade learned about pause, think, and choose so you can respond like a water bottle instead of reacting like a soda can. We brainstormed and practice several things to do when you pause and think.  For example, counting to ten, deep breaths, dots, squeezies, heart to home, and push pull dangle. 

Third grade did a Be Proactive Scoot, practiced identifying the difference between proactive and reactive situations, and demonstrated making proactive decisions.

Four grade learned about the Circle of Concern and Circle of Influence. We discussed proactively being able to affect change by spending your energy in your Circle of Influence.