Sunday, September 14, 2014

Parents You Are Enough

          The beginning of the school year can be hectic for everyone.  Getting the kids back in a routine and managing all of the extra curricular activities is hard.  As a parent myself, I understand.  In an effort to be more proactive, this summer I read several books.  This one by Dr. Meg Meeker called Boys Should Be Boys stuck out.  In a portion of the book, she wrote about how we schedule our kids in numerous activities and how it is stressful on the children and us.  She went on to say what they really need is to spend more time with us.  After all, when we schedule them in activities they are away from us.  We are their first and most important teachers; therefore, we need to find ways to spend more time with them.
            The next time you are contemplating whether to put your child in another activity or not, just say no. In her book Lean In, Sheryl Sandberg reminds us that we are the only people who can set our own boundaries.  Our work, family, and friends will always be asking more of us.  We have to learn how to say no and teach our children to do the same thing.  
            Research shows that parents make the biggest impact on their kid’s future career and financial choices. In the book How Children Succeed Grit, Curiosity, and the Hidden Power of Character, Paul Tough uncovers the surprising ways in which parents do – and do not – prepare their children for adulthood. The book has a strong emphasis on performance character indicators like effort and resilience. Next time your kid is working on a project, instead of concentrating on the outcome praise them for their effort. 
Parents are good about teaching their children how to be polite and brush their teeth.  As you plan ahead, are you teaching your child how to be smart with money? Rachel Cruz and her father Dave Ramsey released Smart Money, Smart Kids in April and it is a #1 New Your Times Best Seller.  In the book you will find many everyday examples you can start using to teach your kids how to be financially fit. The biggest tip I took away from the book is that more is caught then taught.   
Remember you are enough.  If there is only one gift you can give your child make sure it is the gift of you.  Do not feel guilty about what you can or cannot provide for your child.  Celebrate the moments you spend with them and be intentional about finding more time to make it happen.  You are enough!

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Big Ol' Rodeo

Check out what OB did to kickoff our Olweus Bully Prevention Program  Coach Jander and Coach Prange did a great job organizing the event.