Monday, May 20, 2024

Soar Up!

Today, our students participated in Soar Up!, a transition activity to help them learn about next year. Fourth-grade students heard from former Old Bonhomme students attending the Fifth Grade Center. Pre-K through third-grade students had an opportunity to meet the classroom teachers in the next grade level and hear about what they would be doing. Below are the presentations from each grade level.

We encourage you to ask your child about the event. Below are some questions to get you started. 
What are some things you are going to learn next year? 
What special activities do you get to do next year?
What are some of the things the teachers will expect from you next year? 
What can you do this summer to get ready for next year?

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

End of Year Wrap Up

We are very thankful for our Advisory Committee and their committment to our program!


24 Advisory Spring

Thursday, March 30, 2023

College & Career Week

 Career & College Week

We enjoyed learning about different careers and colleges this week. A BIG THANK YOU to all our parents and grandparents who came in to present and those who contributed to our Picture the Possibilities display.  


Friday, March 3, 2023



We are looking for parents or grandparents to make career presentations in our classes the week of March 27 (the week after spring break) at designated times throughout the week. If you wonder if the kids will find your career interesting the answer is YES!  If interested and available, please click here to sign up and learn more.  If the class you want to present in already has a presenter, you can still participate by creating a slide of your career for our Picture the Possibilities display.  The slides will be shown in the cafeteria and printed to display on a bulletin board. The students love seeing the pictures of their loved ones in our building.

Thursday, October 13, 2022

Unity Day

Unity Day is on Wednesday, October 19th. Unity Day is observed during National Bullying Prevention Month and has been recognized in the United States since 2011. To participate in Unity Day, individuals, schools, communities, and businesses wear orange to unite for kindness, acceptance, and inclusion to prevent bullying. We encourage everyone at Old Bonhomme to wear orange on October 19. 

In our CARE Time counseling lessons this week, students decorated squares with things important to them.  Each staff member will also have the opportunity to create a square.  The squares will be put together to create an Old Bonhomme Unity Flag. We hope it serves as a reminder of all we bring together here at Old Bonhomme.